Instructions for Testnet Participants
This post is only relevant for participants of the Testnet Campaign
Dear Testnet Participant,
you are receiving this post as an Email because you registered for the Testnet Campaign. We are herewith kindly asking you to follow the two instruction points below, which are classified as mandatory tasks.
- Confirm that you are still participating in the campaign by filling this form
- Starting on Monday, please make sure that you are generating at least 1 transaction per day from your wallet. If you are not able to do so on a given day, please report this to us in form of a quick message.
Why is this important?
Confirming that you are still participating improves our diagnosis accuracy and therefore adds one more data point on our fight against fraudulent actors.
Generating transactions can uncover anomalies that are not visible passively. It not only provides us more data to work with, but also makes it easier for you to realize possible connectivity problems.
Thank you for your attention! — Your LockTrip Team